By virtue of this influence, her
never ending appetite of creativity prompted her to experiment diverse art forms in painting including that of
canvas, glass, mural, acrylic, ceramic, fabric and pot. She has expressed her keen passion for decoration
through oil painting, remixed media painting, coffee painting, one stroke painting, wall painting and modern
painting. Her paintings portray her intuitive insights into the human mind and bring forth a spontaneity to the
subject she has chosen to depict, be it figurative, landscapes or abstracts.
On one of such journeys she had the opportunity to explore the art form known as decoupage, and further
reading helped her understand it was started centuries ago to meet the public demand for Venetian furniture
decorated with hand painted drawings. Constant research on decoupage made her fall in love with this
beautiful art. To enrich her knowledge she has attended many trainings and studies round the world in
countries like Italy, Bulgaria and Budapest.
Inspired from her first art exhibition in Saudi Arabia, Rekha decided to take herself to the next level and she
came out with an idea of 'Creativa Middle East- " Dubai's first One Stop Decoupage Specialist Art and hobby
Station", which was born on the 9 th March 2014.
She is been invited by corporates and government establishments to create team building activities through
various forms of art across UAE. She has also regularly conducted workshop for art lovers by herself and in
collaboration with other European artists. Her works have been covered by national dailies in Saudi Arabia and
Besides her passion for art, she is also into Tarot and Oracle card reading. She is qualified as EFT and SRT
practitioner .
Rekha has been living in the Middle East for more than 28 years, both in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait she currently
resides with her family In Dubai, UAE.